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  • 14所学费疯长的美国公立大学
  • http://www.xtklx.com 2018-05-26 13:07 新天空外国语学校
  •   美国大学的学费都在增长,来自美国教育部大学负担能力和透明中心部门的数据,全美范围内公立的四年制大学的学费在2008到2012年间普遍增长了15%,有些学校学费增长了40%-60%,更有甚者,哥伦比亚特区的大学学费增长了123%。

      美国教育部长 阿伦·邓肯在一场新闻发布会上忧心忡忡的说:很不幸,我们看到了一些令人担忧的学费增长趋势。






      1. Georgia State University (tie) Location: Atlanta, Georgia

      Number of undergraduate students: 22,587

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $5,844

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $8,698

      Increase: 49%

      2. University of Arizona (tie) Location: Tucson, Arizona

      Number of undergraduate students: 30,346

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $5,542

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $8,237

      Increase: 49%

      3. University of Georgia Location: Athens, Georgia

      Number of undergraduate students: 26,571

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $6,030

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $8,736

      Increase: 45%欢迎咨询威久留学>>>[SITESERVER_PAGE]

      4. Georgia Institute of Technology (tie) Location: Atlanta, Georgia

      Number of undergraduate students: 20,487

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $6,040

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $8,716

      Increase: 44%

      5. Arizona State University (tie) Location: Phoenix, Arizona

      Number of undergraduate students: 58,404

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $5,661

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $8,132

      Increase: 44%

      6. University of California, Berkeley (tie) Location: Berkeley, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 25,530

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $7,656

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $10,940

      Increase: 43%欢迎咨询威久留学>>>[SITESERVER_PAGE]

      7. University of California, Los Angeles (tie) Location: Los Angeles, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 27,199

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $7,554

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $10,781

      Increase: 43%

      8. California State University, Long Beach Location: Long Beach, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 31,802

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $3,392

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $4,810

      Increase: 42%

      9. Northern Arizona University (tie) Location: Flagstaff, Arizona

      Number of undergraduate students: 18,301

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $5,449

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $7,667

      Increase: 41%欢迎咨询威久留学>>>[SITESERVER_PAGE]

      10. University of California, Riverside (tie) Location: Riverside, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 18,523

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $7,845

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $11,029

      Increase: 41%

      11. University of California, Santa Cruz (tie) Location: Santa Cruz, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 14,381

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $8,200

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $11,505

      Increase: 40%

      12. California State University, Chico (tie) Location: Chico, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 14,728

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $4,008

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $5,620

      Increase: 40%

      13. University of California, San Diego (tie) Location: San Diego, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 23,663

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $8,075

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $11,306

      Increase: 40%

      14. University of California, Irvine (tie) Location: Irvine, California

      Number of undergraduate students: 21,976

      Cost of tuition in 2008-09: $8,046

      Cost of tuition in 2010-11: $11,232

      Increase: 40%欢迎咨询威久留学>>>



    美国留学 读大学本科的几种途径>>>


